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Wiggins clamps

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Hello everyone

I've been reading all of the blog posts regarding the ETS-Hilux, and i noticed something. When Nigel fabbed up the hot and cold sides of the intake, he used a wiggins style clamp. However on one side of the clamp the material is aluminium and on the other side, its stainless. Is this done by using two different ferrules? I'm having a hard time finding any S/S ferrules online, so im not quite sure if they could've been custom. Any insight on this?

Sorry for my bad grammar, english really isn't my native langauge :-)

They seem to be available in aluminium, titanium and CRES - that stands for Corrosion REsistant Steel, which is usually stainless steel. However, after the best part of two hours I haven't been able to find a specific stockist other than these that may have them - at least you can get part numbers to have your local supplier(s) of the alloy ones chase up with their supplier(s).

Try -

The other option, of course, is to turn up, or have someone turn up for you, a copy of the alloy version in the SS alloy of your choice.

If anyone knows of a reliable supplier of SS fittings, please post, thanks.

BTW, your english is fine - the only Danish words I know are "Danish pastries" ;-)

Hi Mikkel

I was looking for the same just a few weeks ago.

Have a look here:

I think these are similar to the wiggins clamps and you can choose the ferrule material, or even buy just the ferrule.

Thanks for a couple of good answers.

That alternative is pretty good, but I’m not too sure the ferrules are the same and I’m also a sucker for those purple clamps

There was a mention with the versions xresist linked that the fitted Wiggins clamps, but I agree, until you get confirmation?

As I suggested, your best option may be to use the part numbers for the CRES and have your suppliers chase them up. I'm REALLT surprised they seem so hard to track down - another option may be if you see a race team that uses them, send them an e-mail, or letter, asking where they got theirs from - there may be a really good supplier who doesn't advertise.

Oh, being an old fart, just realised I'd restricted myself to the interweb - didn't even think of some of the other media options, like FACEBOOK and the like, that many suppliers also use.