Forum » Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals » Testing structural tubing

Testing structural tubing

Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals

Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals

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Hi guys. I’m new to the cage building but not new to welding. I’m wondering what you guys do to test the strength of your welds on cages. It just gets me nervous that someone will be resting their life in my technique and I’d like to be assured that my welds are as good as they come for strength. I’ve seen the course on testing a t joint on flatbar and plate. But is there anyone specific you’d do to test your tubing welds. Please offer some help and ideas. Currently building a twin turbo gto for a very close friend of mine. I’ll post photos of that for anyone curious.

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Not a lot you can do, best thing would be to properly prepare the welding area, with chamfers for penetration as required, and use the correct filler, techniques and settings. Then give the welded joints a carefull eyeball check - I don't know where you are, but there are companies with portable X-Ray equipment that specialise in checking welds - but $$$s.

In your position, I'd be watching as many videos on cage design and welding as I could - The Fabrication Series is very good, and Justin has practical examples, exercises, and some good tips - - if you go back a few years he goes through the process of building chassis/roll cages..