Forum » Practical MIG Welding » Welding techniques missing some info

Welding techniques missing some info

Practical MIG Welding

Discussion and questions related to the course Practical MIG Welding

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So I have watched this module multiple times. It’s really the first part of the mig course that I expected to be shown actual welding.

I have some issues or some things that are missing.

You talk about the sound it should make. But don’t give an example of the sound.

So how am I meant to know what I’m listening for?

On that same point you talk about the sound change to the not desirable types and don’t give an example of those either

Next you don’t tell us how to hold the mig torch.

You haven’t told or described or shown us the correct movement of the torch to complete a good quality mig weld.

The only thing you have said is we push for shielding gas and pull for flux core.

So as of now I haven’t been shown how to hold or move the torch and I don’t know what it’s meant to sound like either.

I could now go play with settings and practice but won’t know what a good weld sounds or looks like.

You did describe what a good weld looks like sort of. But you didn’t show it. You also didn’t show what a bad weld looks like.

Or what it looks like if there is not enough gas getting to the weld. Or if I move too slow or too fast or I hold the torch too far away. Or what happens if I’m to close.

So far the welding techniques haven’t given me any real world techniques I can use except for the 40 amp per mm rule, but most normal prices welders don’t list exact amps.

My welder is a cig weldskill 185.

So it does 185 amps. But my adjustment is volts and wire speed. And for the most part of you go into a normal tool store this is the main type of adjustment. It never mentions amps. So how do I set the amps??? Or convert the amps to volts?

Here is where I’m at with the info supplied

I understand the machine and it’s purpose.

I understand the 40 amp rule.

I know how to do initial setup things for the wire tension etc

I know what I need to do to prep work pieces.

But I don’t know how to weld

I don’t know how to properly hold the torch

I don’t know what a good weld looks or sounds like.

I don’t know how I am meant to move the torch to complete a weld.

This is a big issue as I expected this stuff from this course.

Hi Cliff, thanks for the feedback. I will go back through this course and see if we can rectify those issues.